Coffee Prince is a Filipino romantic-comedy series developed by Des Garbes Severino, which premiered on GMA Network on October 8, 2012 replacing One True Love. The series is based on Sun-mi Lee's novel and MBC's 2007 hit Korean television series, The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince. It headlines Kris Bernal and Aljur Abrenica as the lead characters and under the direction of Ricky Davao. The series follows the lives and loves of Andy, a girl who disguises herself as a man just to get the job in a coffee shop and Arthur, a happy-go-lucky and wealthy bachelor whose paternal grandmother pushes him to settle down and start a family. In order to avoid the constant request from his relatives, he will hire Andy to pretend as his gay lover without even knowing that the latter is a real woman.
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Coffee Prince 29 Oct 2012
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